Forward Looking Optimizer (FLO)


Atn Params

Each ATN Strategy has a set of parameters that are tuned over time to optimize its performance on the basis of historical data. These parameters can also be used to initialize and run a GNodeInstance managing that strategy. Many of these parameters will be shared in common with the parameters used for the FLO, but some will be used to _derive_ specific FLO params (for example, an AtomicTNode will have a parameter that it uses to get price forecasts, typically in the form of a subscription to a price service, while the FLO will include a sequence of price forecasts over the next 48 hours.

As an example, consider the atn parameters for the brick storage heater

Flo Params

Each FLO has a set of input parameters used to generate its output.

As an example, consider the flo parameters for the brick storage heater